Flask 0.3 introduces configuration support and logging as well as categories for flashing messages. All these are features that are 100% backwards compatible but you might want to take advantage of them.
The configuration support makes it easier to write any kind of application that requires some sort of configuration. (Which most likely is the case for any application out there).
If you previously had code like this:
app.debug = DEBUG
app.secret_key = SECRET_KEY
You no longer have to do that, instead you can just load a configuration into the config object. How this works is outlined in 配置處理.
Flask now configures a logger for you with some basic and useful defaults. If you run your application in production and want to profit from automatic error logging, you might be interested in attaching a proper log handler. Also you can start logging warnings and errors into the logger when appropriately. For more information on that, read 記錄應(yīng)用錯誤.
Flash messages can now have categories attached. This makes it possible to render errors, warnings or regular messages differently for example. This is an opt-in feature because it requires some rethinking in the code.
Read all about that in the 消息閃現(xiàn) pattern.
For application developers there are no changes that require changes in your code. In case you are developing on a Flask extension however, and that extension has a unittest-mode you might want to link the activation of that mode to the new TESTING flag.
Flask 0.5 is the first release that comes as a Python package instead of a single module. There were a couple of internal refactoring so if you depend on undocumented internal details you probably have to adapt the imports.
The following changes may be relevant to your application:
Flask 0.6 comes with a backwards incompatible change which affects the order of after-request handlers. Previously they were called in the order of the registration, now they are called in reverse order. This change was made so that Flask behaves more like people expected it to work and how other systems handle request pre- and postprocessing. If you depend on the order of execution of post-request functions, be sure to change the order.
Another change that breaks backwards compatibility is that context processors will no longer override values passed directly to the template rendering function. If for example request is as variable passed directly to the template, the default context processor will not override it with the current request object. This makes it easier to extend context processors later to inject additional variables without breaking existing template not expecting them.
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