12.8 簡(jiǎn)單的并行編程

2018-02-24 15:27 更新


You have a program that performs a lot of CPU-intensive work, and you want to makeit run faster by having it take advantage of multiple CPUs.


The concurrent.futures library provides a ProcessPoolExecutor class that can beused to execute computationally intensive functions in a separately running instance ofthe Python interpreter. However, in order to use it, you first need to have some com‐putationally intensive work. Let’s illustrate with a simple yet practical example.Suppose you have an entire directory of gzip-compressed Apache web server logs:

Further suppose each log file contains lines like this: - - [10/Jul/2012:00:18:50 -0500] “GET /robots.txt ...” 200 71210.212.209.67 - - [10/Jul/2012:00:18:51 -0500] “GET /ply/ ...” 200 11875210.212.209.67 - - [10/Jul/2012:00:18:51 -0500] “GET /favicon.ico ...” 404 36961.135.216.105 - - [10/Jul/2012:00:20:04 -0500] “GET /blog/atom.xml ...” 304 -...

Here is a simple script that takes this data and identifies all hosts that have accessed therobots.txt file:


import gzipimport ioimport glob

def find_robots(filename):
‘''Find all of the hosts that access robots.txt in a single log file‘''robots = set()with gzip.open(filename) as f:

for line in io.TextIOWrapper(f,encoding='ascii'):> fields = line.split()if fields[6] == ‘/robots.txt':


return robots

def find_all_robots(logdir):
‘''Find all hosts across and entire sequence of files‘''files = glob.glob(logdir+'/*.log.gz')all_robots = set()for robots in map(find_robots, files):


return all_robots

if name == ‘main':
robots = find_all_robots(‘logs')for ipaddr in robots:


The preceding program is written in the commonly used map-reduce style. The functionfind_robots() is mapped across a collection of filenames and the results are combinedinto a single result (the all_robots set in the find_all_robots() function).Now, suppose you want to modify this program to use multiple CPUs. It turns out tobe easy—simply replace the map() operation with a similar operation carried out on aprocess pool from the concurrent.futures library. Here is a slightly modified versionof the code:


import gzipimport ioimport globfrom concurrent import futures

def find_robots(filename):
‘''Find all of the hosts that access robots.txt in a single log file

‘''robots = set()with gzip.open(filename) as f:

for line in io.TextIOWrapper(f,encoding='ascii'):> fields = line.split()if fields[6] == ‘/robots.txt':


return robots

def find_all_robots(logdir):
‘''Find all hosts across and entire sequence of files‘''files = glob.glob(logdir+'/*.log.gz')all_robots = set()with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:

for robots in pool.map(find_robots, files):all_robots.update(robots)

return all_robots

if name == ‘main':
robots = find_all_robots(‘logs')for ipaddr in robots:


With this modification, the script produces the same result but runs about 3.5 timesfaster on our quad-core machine. The actual performance will vary according to thenumber of CPUs available on your machine.


Typical usage of a ProcessPoolExecutor is as follows:from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:...do work in parallel using pool...
Under the covers, a ProcessPoolExecutor creates N independent running Python in‐terpreters where N is the number of available CPUs detected on the system. You canchange the number of processes created by supplying an optional argument to ProcessPoolExecutor(N). The pool runs until the last statement in the with block is executed,at which point the process pool is shut down. However, the program will wait until allsubmitted work has been processed.Work to be submitted to a pool must be defined in a function. There are two methodsfor submission. If you are are trying to parallelize a list comprehension or a map()operation, you use pool.map():

A function that performs a lot of workdef work(x):

...return result

Nonparallel coderesults = map(work, data)

Parallel implementationwith ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:

results = pool.map(work, data)

Alternatively, you can manually submit single tasks using the pool.submit() method:

Some functiondef work(x):

...return result

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
...# Example of submitting work to the poolfuture_result = pool.submit(work, arg)

Obtaining the result (blocks until done)r = future_result.result()...

If you manually submit a job, the result is an instance of Future. To obtain the actualresult, you call its result() method. This blocks until the result is computed and re‐turned by the pool.Instead of blocking, you can also arrange to have a callback function triggered uponcompletion instead. For example:

def when_done(r):print(‘Got:', r.result())with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:future_result = pool.submit(work, arg)future_result.add_done_callback(when_done)
The user-supplied callback function receives an instance of Future that must be usedto obtain the actual result (i.e., by calling its result() method).Although process pools can be easy to use, there are a number of important consider‐ations to be made in designing larger programs. In no particular order:

  • This technique for parallelization only works well for problems that can be trivially

decomposed into independent parts.

  • Work must be submitted in the form of simple functions. Parallel execution of

instance methods, closures, or other kinds of constructs are not supported.

  • Function arguments and return values must be compatible with pickle. Work is

carried out in a separate interpreter using interprocess communication. Thus, dataexchanged between interpreters has to be serialized.

  • Functions submitted for work should not maintain persistent state or have side

effects. With the exception of simple things such as logging, you don’t really haveany control over the behavior of child processes once started. Thus, to preserve yoursanity, it is probably best to keep things simple and carry out work in pure-functionsthat don’t alter their environment.

  • Process pools are created by calling the fork() system call on Unix. This makes a

clone of the Python interpreter, including all of the program state at the time of thefork. On Windows, an independent copy of the interpreter that does not clone stateis launched. The actual forking process does not occur until the first pool.map()or pool.submit() method is called.

  • Great care should be made when combining process pools and programs that use

threads. In particular, you should probably create and launch process pools priorto the creation of any threads (e.g., create the pool in the main thread at programstartup).




