```javascript var myVar = 11; // Only change code below this line myVar --; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-24kd249s.html```javascript var ourDecimal = 5.7; // Only change code below this line var myDecimal = 5.7; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-un75249t.html```javascript var product = 2.0 * 2.5; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-l2cg249u.html```javascript var quotient = 4.4 / 2.0; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-n1az249v.html```javascript // Only change code below this line var remainder=11%3; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-zktc249w.html```javascript var a = 3; var b = 17; var c = 12; // Only modify code below this line a += 12; b += 9; c += 7; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-z26n249x.html```javascript var a = 11; var b = 9; var c = 3; // Only modify code below this line a -= 6; b -= 15; c -= 1; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-96sl249y.html```javascript var a = 5; var b = 12; var c = 4.6; // Only modify code below this line a *= 5; b *= 3; c *= 10; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-1wen249z.html```javascript var a = 48; var b = 108; var c = 33; // Only modify code below this line a /= 12; b /= 4; c /= 11; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-lj5t24a0.html```javascript function convert(celsius) { // Only change code below this line var fahrenheit=celsius*9/5+32; // Only change code above this line return fahrenheit; } // Change the inputs below to test your code convert(30); ```
w3cschool 建議您:
w3cschool 建議您:
w3cschool 建議您:
```javascript var myVar = 11; // Only change code below this line myVar --; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-24kd249s.html```javascript var ourDecimal = 5.7; // Only change code below this line var myDecimal = 5.7; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-un75249t.html```javascript var product = 2.0 * 2.5; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-l2cg249u.html```javascript var quotient = 4.4 / 2.0; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-n1az249v.html```javascript // Only change code below this line var remainder=11%3; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-zktc249w.html```javascript var a = 3; var b = 17; var c = 12; // Only modify code below this line a += 12; b += 9; c += 7; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-z26n249x.html```javascript var a = 11; var b = 9; var c = 3; // Only modify code below this line a -= 6; b -= 15; c -= 1; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-96sl249y.html```javascript var a = 5; var b = 12; var c = 4.6; // Only modify code below this line a *= 5; b *= 3; c *= 10; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-1wen249z.html```javascript var a = 48; var b = 108; var c = 33; // Only modify code below this line a /= 12; b /= 4; c /= 11; ```
http://m.o2fo.com/chun5060/chun5060-lj5t24a0.html```javascript function convert(celsius) { // Only change code below this line var fahrenheit=celsius*9/5+32; // Only change code above this line return fahrenheit; } // Change the inputs below to test your code convert(30); ```
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